Take Part in the 2019 Pilates Industry Survey

Let your voice be heard in the 2019 Pilates Industry Survey. Kevin Bowen explains the purpose of this survey and his mission to grow Pilates worldwide.

The Pilates Initiative is conducting its annual Pilates Industry Survey for 2019. With this survey, we hope to support the greater Pilates community, including both professionals and general practitioners. The information we gather will bolster our efforts to grow awareness for the Pilates method and see what barriers exist for participation.

The mission of The Pilates Initiative is:

  • To support, define and nurture the Pilates method and Pilates exercise professionals.
  • To educate and inform the general public about the many positive health benefits derived from the safe and effective practice and instruction of the Pilates method.
  • To promote and define professionalism and ethical practices for Pilates exercise professionals and Pilates businesses.
  • To provide a platform of outreach, support and education for those in our community who are most in need.
  • To advocate for the continued recognition of the Pilates exercise method as an important component for the health and well-being of the U.S. public.

The survey will be live and receiving responses through September 1, 2019. This year, we are asking for Pilates teachers, Studio management/or owners as well as Pilates clients/enthusiasts to participate.

Once we have compiled the stats, we will be publishing them on October 1, 2019 on our website. The Pilates Initiative will the use these results as they apply for grant and foundation funding to further our mission of bringing Pilates to everyone. Please help us by sharing a link to this survey with your clients, friends and colleagues. Together we can make Pilates accessible to all!

You can participate in this Pilates Initiative survey with the link here. For more information, please contact us at info@thepilatesinitiaitve.org.