Why Online Learning?

Learning never ends. And as the saying goes: “When one door closes, another opens.” So we walk through to gain more understanding. As Pilates teachers our world encompasses so much – we need to understand psychology, anatomy, movement, exercise technique, progression, teaching tools like touch and cueing, business…. The list is never ending.

At Peak Pilates® we are happy to offer multiple virtual learning opportunities every month – we live for the community of our PES Conventions – but we also know that sometimes nothing replaces an online education course.

Online education allows you to take what you need, when you need it, and allows you unlimited access to materials. There are times that a virtual or live CEC comes up and you think, “Oh, that’s not for me,” and then 6 months later you wish you had taken it. That’s where online learning comes in handy.

In the last year we have worked to build our Peak Pilates® online library and to expand offerings to cover a wider variety of topics, like foam rolling, Pilates for men, and instructor burnout. Sure, we offered these virtually, but perhaps you had no need for them at that time. For example, maybe when the instructor burnout course came up, you were in a good place and didn’t take the CEC – and now burnout threatens. Good news, the course is online. So when you need it, it’s there as a resource.

Online learning lets you learn in your own space, at your own pace, when need arises, and it provides CECs and endless access to materials. So, what online course are you going to take?

Written by Zoey Trap, MS