Movement of the Month: The Roll Up

By: Zoey Trap The Roll Up is the first exercise in the mat order that requires a student to articulate the spine.  Joseph Pilates said, “These ‘rolling’ and ‘unrolling’ movements tend to gradually but surely restore the spine to its…

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5 Reasons to Attend PES

Every June when I head back to Miami for the Pilates Empowerment Summit, I am excited to see the growing number of Pilates instructors from all over the globe. Each year, we work with instructors who have such a great…

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Studio Spirit: Tips for a Festive Holiday

By: Zoey Trap The holidays give us an opportunity to come together with our students and express our gratitude, joy and love. When we join in the holiday fun, spirits rise, community is created, and our students understand how much…

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Pilates and the Spine

By Suzanne Meledeo   As Pilates instructors, we encounter clients on a regular basis with common postural deviations. Most of these clients experience pain daily due to the misalignments of the spine and pelvis. We have the opportunity to work…

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Movement of the Month: The Teaser

By Zoey Trap I love the Teaser. In fact, I have never met a Teaser I don’t like. From my first Teaser I on the mat, I was hooked. From the Teaser on the reformer and Cadillac to the Teaser…

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Tips & Treats for a Healthier Holiday Season

Halloween always brings out our greatest fears. They could come from ghost stories told around a campfire or the monsters lurking in your local Halloween attraction. But perhaps the greatest terror of all is right within your arm’s reach. It’s…

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‘The Hundred’: How To Make 100 Pumps and 10 Breaths Count

The Peak Pilates® program consists of an extensive library of movements that have a multitude of physical fitness benefits. However, while the movements seem simplistic in nature, it can be easy to overlook the finer details that go into performing…

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4 Tips to Successful ‘School Season Resolutions’

A new school year means new and exciting challenges for both parents and students alike. For parents, that could mean keeping their kids rested and well-fed so that they have the energy to tackle whatever new challenges their teachers have…

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Pilatesstick® Intro Workout
Peak Pilates® MVe Reformer and Tower Video